The Autumn Hills Gas     
Compression Station     

5615 Adams Street  
Zeeland, Michigan 49464  

Telephone           616/688-5180  
Telecopier           616/688-5181  
Plant Operator:     C
lint Morvant  
North American’s Autumn Hills Compression Station is located on 5 acres of land
in Zeeland Township, Ottawa County, Michigan, adjacent to Waste Management of
Michigan’s Autumn Hills Landfill.  Zeeland Township is near Holland, Michigan.

The Compression Station is designed to compress & process 4,000 Standard
Cubic Feet of Gas per minute (“SCFM”).

In 2004, North American Natural Resources, Inc., Zeeland Farm Services, Inc.
(“ZFS”), and Waste Management, celebrated the ground breaking of a landfill gas
pipeline/compression station project that carries methane gas from the Autumn
Hills Landfill to the ZFS soybean processing plant over six miles to the Northwest.
Autumn Hills East
Gas Compression Station

Waste Management sells the Landfill gas, which is generated naturally when
organic waste in its Autumn Hills landfill decomposes to North American. The
project allows the landfill gas to be used in ZFS's converted boilers to meet all
processing heat/steam demand.
Click on article
below for link to
To view photos of the Autumn Hills Gas
Compression Station click on the links below:

Autumn Hills Aireal Gallery

Autumn Hills Gas Compression Station Gallery