The Peoples Generating Station

4516 Rathbun Road   
Birch Run, Michigan 48415   

Telephone          989/777-6284   
Telecopier          989/777-6284   
Plant Manager        Mike Jonca   
The Peoples Generating Station is located in Saginaw County, North and West of Birch
Run, on Waste Management of Michigan’s Peoples Landfill.

Constructed in 1995, the Peoples Generating Facility has an installed capacity of 3.2
MW, consisting of four Caterpillar 3516 generating units, each producing 800 kW of
electric capacity. The Facility generates at 4,160 volts and is interconnected to
Consumers Energy Company’s 24,900 volt distribution system by a North American
owned substation.
Peoples Generating Station East